ZIDONG HUANG 黄紫东 Entrepreneur & Product Designer
Drowning Hours

MIT Media Lab|Creative Tech|Instructor: Zach Lieberman|2021

In a world filled with distractions like TikTok, it's easy to lose track of time and become absorbed for hours. Traditional time displays on phones and watches are too neutral to remind us of time's continuous passage. We need a dynamic way to represent time that emphasizes its elapsing, creating a sense of urgency to prevent us from subconsciously ignoring its flow.

To address this, I've transformed time into a blob that grows increasingly restless as the current hour draws to a close, giving users a clearer sense of when "the current hour is over."  To maintain functionality, a Roman numeral indicates the current hour, positioned like on a traditional clock. Starting from 1 instead of 0, it signifies "the (_)th hour of the day," intentionally detaching from conventional clock perception. The numeral gradually sinks into the blob, symbolizing "dying."



Product Mockups
Changes Through Time
Text Control
Generative Blob
Interstellar Trampoline

Harvard GSD|Creative Tech|2019

In this quick project, I explored one of the most intriguing aspects of computational design: setting certain constraints and allowing the computer to generate unpredictable outcomes. This approach leads to fascinating results where randomness and internal consistency coexist.

Final Stimulation
Step1-Gravity Source
Step2-Gravity Stimulation
Step3-Gravitational Field
Spatial Intelligence

MIT CSAIL|Data Viz + IoT|2021|
A digitalization and visualization tool to help commercial real estate digitalize its physical spaces and manage them in a data-driven way.


Tangible Rhythm

Harvard GSD|Creative Tech|2019

Most music visualizations concentrate on the pitch and intensity of the music. However, the performer’s movements are also a significant indicator of musical expression and are closely tied to the rhythm of the music. This project aims to explore innovative methods for visualizing the motion data of music performers.


Breathing NYC

MIT SA+P|Data Viz|2020

This visualization explores the concentration of pick-up and drop-off locations for Uber in New York, as well as the changing patterns of Uber usage frequency over time. Together, these elements reflect the underlying connectivity of the city and showcase the diurnal rhythms of urban life from a particular perspective.


Airbnb & Affordability

MIT SA+P|Data Viz|2020

The impact of Airbnb on local housing affordability has sparked debate. Studies show that Airbnb's growth reduces housing stock and drives up prices, harming affordability. For example, from 2011 to 2017, nearly 183,000 affordable housing units in New York City—about 40% of the total—shifted to Airbnb rentals.

However, not all Airbnb units are effectively utilized. Market overexpansion has led to supply exceeding actual demand, resulting in high vacancy rates for Airbnb units as the market stabilizes.

Redistributing these vacant Airbnb units back into the affordable housing stock could be highly beneficial. Policymakers and urban planners need to identify areas with both high Airbnb vacancy rates and low housing affordability. This swipe map visualizes affordability and vacancy together, enabling easy identification of overlapping zones to inform better policymaking.


